Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tommy, can you hear me?

  • Let's all thank a giant tool, "Tommy" from, for the fact that all comments will now be screened before being added. For a few weeks now, this jerk has been periodically taking the time to add comments to several entries at a time claiming there's better stuff over at WoozyFly. Granted, that may or may not be true considering I don't claim to only post the best of anything. Still, the idea that anyone would take the time to write (or copy and paste) comments and type in that "prove you're a human" code to a blog as sporadically updated as mine is laughable. Now, I don't know if this freak is part of an online street team or if he owns or works for the company proper, but since this guy is so hell-bent on getting the Woozyfly name out I thought I'd help him out with an entry dedicated to him and WoozyFly. So, if you're interested in visiting an indie music/social networking site run by incessant spammers who badmouth the music I share here, by all means, check out WoozyFly.

  • While I'm sort of complaining, I'll offer up another request I've made in the past. (This one is less bilious by far, however.) Basically, I am a human being who makes mistakes and I don't mind having said mistakes pointed out to me. Still, if you're thinking of taking the time to comment to correct me about something, you might want to take an extra second using Google or Wiki (or your ears) to make sure you're right first. For instance, Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me a River" is not the same "Cry Me a River" Julie London sang, etc.

    Unknown said...

    fuck woozyfly and fuck tommy

    Anonymous said...

    I concur with Randy.
    fuck em.

    thanks for ALL the great covers.

    Uncle Bela said...

    I agree with the previous statement
    completely, even if I choose not to
    be as straightforward. (No dig on
    him, I just choose not to.)

    I've been enjoying your site and
    especially your taste in covers for
    a long time now; you've turned me
    on to a lot of cool bands, and I
    appreciate it. Regardless what he
    or any other negative person may
    say, you're doing a great service
    and a great job.

    Best to you always.

    Sincerely, Tom

    (I assure you that is the only
    thing I have in common with that

    Green Bay, WI USA

    Anonymous said...

    Cry Me a River......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

    Anonymous said...

    I worked with the guy who created the first way, way back in 1995. Back then, before most regular people "got" the internet, he said that the best thing about the web is that it is free and open. And the worse thing about the web is that it is free and open. Your pal Tommy proves that the second part is true.

    Anonymous said...

    Don't let the Bastards get you down. If it weren't for your incomparable Class, Style and Grace they wouldn't be investing their efforts to siphon off your Limelight. They'll never hold even a dull ember to you. The pyramid is unfortunately, always biggest on the bottom. Shine on you Crazy Diamond.

    Casey said...

    i agree with randy, also whilest i'm commenting. i've always wanted to know. do you work or design for threadless? just wondering, i own 5 or so their nice shirts.

    Fearless Leader said...

    For instance, Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me a River" is not the same "Cry Me a River" Julie London sang, etc.

    Great. Now I'm imagining a Julie London lounge version of "SexyBack."

    And it's not half bad, really ...

    Anonymous said...

    i don't think you shoot for elegance particularly, at least not very often, but i must say your handling of that was very much that--elegant. nicely done. woozyfly's strategy has backfired.

    Lobstar said...

    Low: I do not design Threadless shirts. I just like 'em. I attempted to work their most recent holiday sale and managed to throw my back out the third day and not be able to return. Heh. So it goes.

    Anonymous said...

    Dearest Lobstar,

    Please ignore Him. He knows not the sin he hath commited. If he knew the manna you rained upon my once boring music library, he would repent. Instead he can go to hell. He goes to hell and he dies.

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks for continuing to have such a great site, not only in your choice of tracks which is superb, but also for the straightforward layout and lack of ads. I actually went and perused the Woozyfly site, and I will never go back. It's an egregious site that is all ads and little in the way of real content. And what songs were there, sucked. Maybe that guy should go into peddling porn instead. -Jim

    Greg said...

    I concur with all the positive comments about you, Dearest Lobstar, and send vile curses upon "Tommy" & woozyfly!

    Anonymous said...

    Just another comment to say that there're still real human beings out here--i.e., not spambots or spammen--enjoying the blog.

    Charles C Stirk Jr said...

    Don't let one troll ruin all you have here ..... There are loads of us here who enjoy you perspective & taste ... & are very appreciative of all you do here .. I know how annoying one twit can be ... but lets ignore & get back to the music ....

    MAbe a Sound of Music covers feature ... Rocky Horror picture show covers & camp versions ...

    Lobstar said...

    I don't think I'm letting one troll ruin anything. I was merely explaining exactly why I'm moderating comments from now on.

    Anonymous said...

    UR The best, Lobstar. Been a fan of yours forever. And I don't care if you get stuff wrong even when you do get stuff wrong because, hey, this is all free.

    And I screw up on my blog all the time, too.

    Keep the faith!

    b-dot said...

    i would like to take the time to say that you should disregard anything by "he who should not be named", and just continue being awesome.
