Thursday, May 15, 2008

Look for the rainbow in every storm.

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post—which is out of the blue and spur of the moment and a slew of other idioms meaning spontaneous—but I'm thinking my tenure here at Copy, Right? is at an end.

I feel I've had a good run. I've been doing this more than four years now. I am stunned and flattered at the positive attention I've received and similarly shocked at how little of the attention has been negative. I feel very appreciative of every reader who has encouraged me via comments, donations and publicity in the past. You've all been wonderful.

I suppose there is a good chance that I might get antsy and wish to start blogging about music (or something else) again, and should that happen, I will definitely update this site with information.

Again, I have very much enjoyed doing what I do here and appreciate you all very much. In my absence, I highly recommend you check out the blogs, cover-focused and otherwise, listed to the right.

Thank you all so much for your attention these past few years. It's been very fulfilling for me, and I hope you feel the same.

Thanks one more time for everything.

Love, Liza


Anonymous said...

You introduced me to innumerable bands, flickr and threadless. I wish you all the best for the future and hope that all of your endeavors are as successful as this one has been.

Many thanks, Paul (Lancaster, UK)

Anonymous said...

So I've been a fringe dweller at this site for a while and I have to say I've loved it. I'm addicted to cover songs and you were one of the best blogs out there. I appreciate though that all good things must come to an end (and all cliches must be oft quoted) so just wanted to say thanks for opening my ears to some great and obscure covers. Hope you find whatever it is you're looking for in life. And have fun while you're doing it. Bye.

Kim said...

Thank you for the fun, Liza! Good luck outside the blogosphere! :)

Anonymous said...

Your wit and writing will be missed.


Greg said...

Liza: It would be a great loss to have you stop this blog, but I quite understand your position. I hope you find profit & pleasure in whatever endeavors you turn to. Thanks for so many great tunes and so much fun & interesting news and commentary. -- Greg

Anonymous said...

Alas, I shall miss your wonderful music. So many bands. Good luck!

boyhowdy said...

Liza, it says what it needs to that you recieved six comments in the hour it took me to write a tribute to you in my own blog.

Thanks for showing us ALL How it should be done. If you ever change your mind about indiefolk, you're always welcome to come on over and post at Cover Lay Down.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the music!

You'd be sorely missed, but you have indeed had a great run, and introduced me to so much I'd never have heard of otherwise.

I'm sure you'll move on to even more awesome ventures. Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, Liza. I've been visiting for perhaps three of those four years, as yours was one of the first music blogs I bookmarked and followed. I'm just reflecting on how many things you've brought into my consciousness.
Good health and ambition be yours.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Liza - as many have already said - i've discovered some fantastic music and new bands through you. Being honest i've never commented or donated either - i've just lapped up the cream you've kindly delivered - so I can't complain when you decide enough is enough.

Good luck with whatever you do next.

Tom (London)

Ray said...

Thanks so much for all your great work Liza! I wouldn't have started my own blog without yours as an inspiration, and we're all sorry to see it go.

absonderpop said...

That's sad news, indeed!
You were one of the reasons that inspired me to take up cover-blogging as well (though mine is currently on indefinite hiatus).

All the best for your future plans! Maybe we'll have you back sooner than you think ;-)

Cheers, Netzhaut

muruch said...

Sorry to see you go. Please post here if you start up a new blog in the future. Good luck!

Jonathan Harford said...

Thanks for all the great music! Good luck with your future projects.

Jack Feerick said...

Thank you, good luck, and God bless.

Fongolia said...

Needless to say you will be greatly missed. You were one of the first music blogs I regularly read and you helped kickstart a revolution of cover enthusiasts-- just look at that cover blogroll. All of those cover blogs (including my own) are indebted to you for showing us how it's done. In fact, you are the original and we're just the covers. Best wishes in whatever you do. So long and thanks for all the shirts (honestly I hadn't heard of Threadless before you either).

Anonymous said...

j'ai passé mon temps à donner ton adresse à des gens, comme un trésor qu'on partage. Merci à toi.

Anonymous said...

Shine on!

The Archivist said...

Thank you the music, the songs you've posted. Who can live without it?! Good luck

Zerlina said...

You were the first other person I ever discovered with a love of covers for the sake of what they are; I've found so many amazing things through your blog, and like everyone else, just wanted to say thank you and that you'll be much missed from the world of covers. All the best.


Anonymous said...

I'll be sorry ot see you go. Your blog was one of the first that introduced me to the fact that mp3 blogs could be such a wonderful resource. Good luck in your 'real' future. rebeccca (london)

sfcrotty said...

Copy, Right? was the first music blog that I ever followed. Good luck and thank you for all the great music.

Anonymous said...

When I first started blogging, you had just started, and I found your site an inspiration. You will be missed. If you ever want to poke your head up for a post or two, feel free to come on by

Anonymous said...

I do have to say that I wish you would reconsider. One Copy, Right? post a month or two months or twice a year is still more awesome than an entire year's worth of posts elsewhere.

I also must beg of you to not do the mass delete thing. It'll be nice to go through the list in the future and find some old gems that were long forgotten.

Of course, it's all up to you, just giving a little voice to the "please don't do it!" side =)

Best of luck to you in life and your endeavors. I know you've had it rough for awhile and I'm hoping that by losing the blog, you're gaining the stability and success in the "real world" that you so rightly deserve.

Thanks for opening my eyes and ears to many many (many, MANY) cover songs and bands that I would have never known about otherwise. I can honestly say that you've affected my life in a way that some people I know and trust outside of cyberspace have never done.

So, I guess what I'm saying is, goodbye and THANK YOU for everything.

scottAD said...

Oh, say it aint so! I love this blog and I have found so many great bands through your posts. I have been a quit follower for almost 3 years, and I hope to see you posting again in the future. Thank you for creating such a great cover blog.

Pretzer said...

Thanks for all the excellent posts over the years. I appreciate the effort. Hope to see you back someday with a music blog of some sort. Be well...

Anonymous said...

totally get it. totally appreciate the time and energy you put in. all the best.

nomwl1 said...

So sorry to see you go, but add one more positive comment to the already long list of well-wishers!

I hope you come back to blogging someday and you will be sorely missed, but know that you've made the blogosphere a lot nicer place with your efforts and your pioneering work has been much appreciated these many years!

Enjoy your time away and I hope you get more time to listen to more great music! Again, a big thanks for all the musical pleasure! :)))

Anonymous said...

But I only discovered your talent for covers recently!
Thanks for all the great music and for your enthusiasm to the cause.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss your awesomeness. This was the first blog I fell in love with also. Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Liza, I hope you'll reconsider, but even if not, I have enjoyed your tenure, and been exposed to some truly insane shit via your largesse. I look forward to whatever you decide to share with us in the future.

Anonymous said...

Please, no mass delete.

I've never understood the blogger who pours their heart and soul into creating something wonderful, only to say "feh" and destroy it all in a keystroke, like one may wish on a spurned lover.

Maybe if the content was simply "here's an album on rapidshare", but to destroy for eternity one's carefully crafted writings?

My few cents.

Lobstar said...

Moof- First, I'm not saying "feh," in the least. This was an extremely difficult decision for me to make and it is based on things other than a fleeting "I just feel like it" moment. I am a real person with a real life outside of blogging and, unfortunately, being an MP3 blogger, while giving me an appropriate amount of indie or Internet cred, is not always considered a plus to the world outside of such things. I've long been conflicted about the ethical issues, and using rapidshare wouldn't erase said feelings. Besides which, I loathe rapidshare sites.

And lest you believe I'd "destroy for eternity" my writings, be assured that I'm computer savvy enough to know how to save my writings before removing them from the Internet.

I appreciate that you are a fan and am flattered that you do not wish to see me go, but I really could do without the assumptions and backhanded compliments.

Scott Sileo musician said...

Just wanted to say that I was always amazed at the variety (and obscurity, ha!) of your cover-discoveries; usually kicking myself for not checking in often enough-- thus missing out on cool music. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

It was great to read your posts, dig the sounds, and I sincerely thank you for all the time and energy you've put forth here!
I just wanted to put my voice in the chorus of well-wishes, and hope you will look back at this blog fondly.
We all (those folks that posted ahead of me, and the ones that will post behind me) have been "Touched By Your Presence, Dear".

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Liza.

You introduced wonderful things to me ( and introduced some of my things to a wider audience too, for which I am very grateful ).

I am sad to see the blog go, but respect your decision and wish you very well in everything in and off the net . . .

take care and thank you,


Anonymous said...


Planet Cyprus said...

oh so sad, I just discovered this blog :( and loved it instantly
oh well
thanks for all the awesomeness all the same

Anonymous said...

Liza -

Thanks so much for all the great posting! You've turned me on to a number of great bands, and hundreds of fantastic covers.

Four years is a good run for any blog, especially one that's been able to do such a great job and reach such a wide audience. Congratulations on what you have done, and good luck with whatever comes next.


Anonymous said...

What a shame but thanks a lot for all the blogs and great music over the years.

I'll miss it. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Liza, you've been a total fucking star. Thankyou.

sh00tme said...

Theres nothing I can say that hasnt been said better by someone else, but your blog has been absolutely brilliant, every update brightened up my day, and I'll miss it sorely. Best of luck in the real world and thank you so much for getting me into so many different new bands and songs.
Ben (Canterbury, UK)

Anonymous said...


What a sad, sad day. But, we at The Waiting Room thoroughly understand. It's why we ourselves never got into blogging our love for music (covers & in general) & instead stuck to a (not exactly less time consuming - well, actually, a far more time consuming, but you know what we mean) Radio Show.

Our very own Drunk Covers series has been heavily indebited to you in the past for throwing up such diverse & wonderful covers we'd simply not heard of or had the time to track down ourselves. We will be an emptier vessel with your parting.

That said, here's an open invitation for you to put together your very own Drunk Covers show whenever you have the time, because we think your dedication deserves recognition & applause. As for the logistics of such a thing (you being there in the USof & we being here in the UKof), we can always Skype & record.

If you're ever game, get in touch whenever you feel like it. It would be a pleasure & an honour.

It only remains for us to wish you a hearty All the very best of whatever it is that's needed to get you to where it is you end up being

one half of Drunk Country, Mr. Fisk, The Woman of The House + Mr. Toad

Anonymous said...

p.s. have you thought about perhaps lettig someone else take over the running of this? Giving them full access, allowing them to pump their hard earned into the financial side, with the proviso that whenever you feel like doing a blog post you get to do it without question? Or something like that?

Could be a way forward? The name alone (Copy, Right?) should at last be preserved for being genius.

Just a thought...

x ½DC

Anonymous said...

Oh...I'm sorry that you're letting C,R? go, but at the same time, I've seen your unhappy posts. If posting here doesn't make you happy anymore, then good for you for knowing that you need to move on. Do let us know if you reestablish yourself on the blog circuit--a lot of us would follow you. Thanks for all the covers. I've been introduced to a lot of awesome stuff, thanks to you.

Lobstar said...

First, thanks for all of the kind words from everyone.

And, just a heads up, I'm not surrendering the blog because it made me unhappy in any way. It has done the opposite, actually, and the decision has been difficult for me.

Anonymous said...

Love your work, sorry to see you go

Anonymous said...

very nice blog... keep up the good work.. God Bless!!!

Anonymous said...

Best of everything, whatever you decide. And know that you've tickled the imagination and stoked the appreciation of music lovers around the globe. It takes a lot of love to do what you do. I hope as much love comes back to you when you need it.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the interesting covers, have fun

Slán abhaile

Anonymous said...

We'll miss you and your great taste!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for this loss. I always enjoyed to check this blog. That was a damn cool blog...

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Golly, I will miss you - you've been ace at pointing me in the direction of some awesome material and for that, thank you very much indeed. Good luck for whatever comes next - sorry to see you go!

Anonymous said...

ps - I love that you signed off with a Birthday Party cover!

Anonymous said...

So sad it's over but thanks for what you did anyway !!!

Anonymous said...

As if we could thank you enough!

Thanks for running a wonderful blog about one of my favorite things in a way I can relate. I'm very sad to see it go as I don't follow too many blogs so my internets are shrinking.

Take care and lots of luck in everything you do!

Megan P.I. said...

Thanks for all the covers over all this time. I've been introduced to a lot of rad bands, and a lot of great covers because of this blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Liza! And the offer still stands -- whenever you want a random 40-year-old gay guy to buy you a drink, let me know!

You will be missed.

Anonymous said...

It's a sad day.
I've been a fan of your site for years now, nicking lots of material for my radio show and urging people to check out the site.
I hope this now frees you up to find more happiness and if the karma laws were enforced you're due for lots of it.
And if you ever do get the urge again you're always welcome on my browser.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss you. All the best.

Mr. Kimberly said...


As a long time reader and occasional commentor, I will miss being introduced to new music through your site.

Thanks for all you have done and enjoy your new pursuits.

Splat and Antisplat said...

I'm quite sad to see you leaving, but I know all too well the reasons why you need to do so. I've been interested in cover songs for a long time, but you really fed that interest and turned it into a real passion; thank you for some of the truly interesting finds you've turned me on to. As for the commentors who are being rude and crass, it goes to show just how little they appreciate you to begin with. All the best!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Liza for keeping this up for so long. You will be missed!

Beany said...

You are always my first port of call when looking for new and interesting covers. Your site is linked on my Myspace page and always will be -

Thanks for everything and take care.

Martha Hari said...

i'm sad to see you go.
i loved your site, been a reader for over 2 years now.

all the best to you and i hope we'll see you again someday ...

Anonymous said...

I've been a fan for a long time- thanks for posting some great stuff, and giving me a whole new perspective on songs.

As for the naysayers- f*$% 'em. :) Thanks.

Dane said...

Liza, you rock, and always have. I keep very few links on my blog, and one of them has always been here to you at Copy, Right? In fact, my blog's two year anniversary is coming up, and from the very first day, I linked to you! You've introduced me to countless artists and songs I came to love and would never have known about otherwise.

Thanks for everything. I wish you all the best and lots of success.

Parq said...

I only discovered Lobstar's magnificent work last fall, so I have not been around for the whole ride, but what I have seen has been extraordinary. For anyone who loves off-off-mainstream music with a chewy pop-center, this blog has been indispensable. My great thanks to you for all your work. Whatever else you do in life, if I hear about it, you can count on me to be out there cheering you on.

By the way, about your "edited to add" post - I grieve to find myself not at all astonished as to how may bloated and inflamed a-words there are out there -- and greedy to boot, what would this country be without that? They're not representative of all of us, I promise. Be well and happy.

Anonymous said...

thank you very much. i've been reading/listening forever. you'll be missed.

Anonymous said...

I've really enjoyed your blog, and hope that you have, as well. Thanks for introducing me to so much wonderful music that I would never have known existed if not for you! Best of luck in your new endeavors! Cheers, Sus

blurrypix said...

This was a really entertaining blog and I will miss it. I always looked forward to your posts because there was no telling what you would think of next. hearing so many (often radically) different takes on familiar tunes opened my ears & my mind about how a song can sound
as the P5 said goodbye baby, amen
and thanks for the memories

Anonymous said...

thanks for all the tunes.
by coincidence last saturday some dj was only playing cover versions at the bar i was at, and i sure scared the friend i was with, by basically recognizing nearly all of them after about 3 or 4 seconds into the song.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your time - We're lucky to have had your efforts at all!

Best of luck to you whatever comes next.

Safe Journeys..


DJ Xerox said...

I dj an all cover song night in NYC, where I get bands to play, and the bands have to perform at least half cover songs. I started it before I found your site, but you have been a wonderful inspiration and super helpful. I so wish you could have enjoyed some of the very cool covers the bands have performed at my night, from the very first band playing an accoustic punk cover of girls and boys to the Bowery Boys doing an Iggy Pop tribute with East Village punk legend David Peel. Every time I do the night I think of you. I am finally working on getting a video camera so I can document some of these cool sets. Thank you for all your hard work and if you are ever in NYC, my night happens every other week and I have the info up on or at
Thank you!
aka dj Xerox

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to add my thanks. I loved your site -- and your insight. And also, this has to be one of the best *names* for a blog, too. Thanks for all the tunes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your hard work here over the years. The internet will be less fun without you. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's always sad when something you like stops happening, but good luck and thank you.


Anonymous said...

Well, it's always sad when something you like stops happening, but good luck and thank you.


Casey said...

THANK YOU LIZA! Of all the mp3 blogs that dealt with covers yours was IMO best written and most varied. I've enjoyed your work here so much and wish you luck in whatever is next.

Casey- California

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great covers - played the tracks you posted on my podcast many times and mentioned you when I remembered (sadly not as much as I'd like!).

I hope you'll be back someday like Stereogum (he stopped, then came back). Hope everything goes better for you and you come back soon, y'hear?

We'll be here waiting :-D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories, the music and the good times. I wish you nothing but the best in the next chapter of your life. Hope to see you 'round these parts again.

Guuzbourg said...

thank you for the music. you will be missed. vaya con dios.

Guuzbourg said...

you will be missed, thank you for the music.

Anonymous said...

Hey Liza !!!!
Best of luck with whatever,wherever you decide to do or be !! Thank you so much for all the great words and sounds!! I will miss Copy,Right.
Be peaceful,happy and good to yourself!! PEACE PEACE..Phlixx

Tony said...

I know how much work it is to maintain a blog. I've enjoyed your blog immensely, and I'll miss it. All good things do end.

If I may, one last chorus:

Thank you for the music
the songs I'm singin'
thanks for all
the joy their bringin'

etc etc.


Blah! said...

I've never left you a comment but have been reading your blog for years and enjoyed it every time. I wish you would reconsider your decision and not abbandon the blog definitely... maybe a post every month, or every couple of months. I'm sure 99% of your readers will stay faithful even with a few posts a year. All I'm saying is leave the door open, give us some hope.


Anonymous said...

I've only been coming to this site for a short while, but it's been a pleasure. All good things, etc. Hope everything works out for you and who knows? Maybe you'll be downloading stuff from MY blog one day!
Now, first I just need to get one.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to see you and the site go, but thanks for all the great posts and great (and so-horrible-they're-great) songs.

Best of luck with whatever needs more of your time now and I hope you return when you've got the time, energy, & money.

Bobby B said...

Sorry to see you go Liza. Like everybody else has said, this blog was one of the greats and a big inspiration to me. All the best and be happy (as you undoubtedly are) that you have definitely made your mark.


Jeremy said...

I will miss your wit and your rare ability to find crazy and enjoyable music. Four years seems like a long, long time here, doesn't it? You deserve to be a success in your actual life, so don't worry too much, if you can help it, about putting this aside. Sounds like a healthy decision. I wish you all the best... - Jeremy (Fingertips)

So Very Unhip said...

Thank you so much for all the wonderful music. I'll love you forever especially for that cover of "He's A Rebel" by the Zippers and "Where the Boys Are" by the Czars (what a voice!). I wish you were staying, but you should only do this stuff as long as it's fun for you... it's just a chore when it's not. I hope you do come back, though. Thank you so much.

Travis Lyle a.k.a DJ Hedmekanik said...

Damn shame.

All the best!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything. I've appreciated your taste in selection and quality in presentation.
Please don't mass delete, at least for a few months...I've got several music blogs in my favorites that are no longer active, that I've added "Defunct" as the first word in their title, and yet I still return to them to pick up the name of a band or a song, to check their archives, or to sample their links. Yours is a site I know I would keep for visits, even if its no longer 'active'.
Best wishes that the troubles in your life smooth out soon. If you ever want to be a 'member' of a group blog, let us know. If you ever want to publish your knowledge and aesthetics without active links to the music referenced, I'd read that too...I can always search for other sites that offer the songs to which you refer. In other words, I'll do half the work to appreciate your knowledge!.
Thanks again.

Anonymous said...


I am the person who called you a "cheap lazy quitter". I admit that was harsh but I was hoping to get through to you.

I am not successful personally or creatively. You've accomplished that with at least your blog. I just don't see the logic of your decision to stop being a force in peoples lives.

I can understand if you have issues in your personal life you feel you have to focus on but it seems to me your covers blog is a cheerful, successful thing that you should cultivate and not abandon.

Oval said...

I love you Liza

Anonymous said...


Best of luck. I'll miss checking out one of my favourite spots for covers, my secret addiction.


Luke said...

YOu're a cheap lazy quitter - and by that, I mean you've run an awesome blog for a long time and brought a ton of fun and weird music to a lot of people who greatly appreciated it. I'm sad to see you ending the blog, but I'd rather you stop when you want than feel obligated to continue.

Thanks for the noises!

Anonymous said...

screw the haters-you, yr taste & the tunes ya shared all's to hopin' for a future resurrection-C,R? is dead-Long live C,R?!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks you for music.

Anonymous said...

merci d'avoir partagé ces moments et ces perles!

take care.


rookling said...

Thank you, Liza, forever and a day. I've enjoyed your site more than the whole rest of the 'Net. And I've learned so much. Wishwell!

seymour said...

Gonna miss you!

Thanks for all the effort and sharing....

A lil sad now...

Anonymous said...

thanks for the great covers. i am forever hooked to covers now.

Anonymous said...

I know you're gone, you said you're gone, but I can still feel you here.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see you go, Liza. Thanks for all the great music over the last few years. All the best.

Olibear said...


Great blog!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all these songs, good and bad. :-)
Wish you the best.

Anonymous said...


Sorry to see you go. Thanks for running this great blog and introducing me to so many great covers/bands.

Niclas said...

Thanx for all nice covers!! This mp3-blog was one the first I ever read and then often have checked out. This is sad news, but everything has an end....

Cheers :-)

Anonymous said...

this is the 110th comment
if u read this...
(lik i suppose u are)
u r great
thank you for all your passion work n time
in my language..

Anonymous said...

It was a great blog while it lasted! Sorry some people are jerks. Thanks for all the fine mp3s over the years.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Liza. It has been a huge pleasure come to your blog seeking new covers all this time.
I wish thing would make possible to see you here later.

Once again, muchísimas gracias.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your work. I think it's hard to keep a blog alive more than a few month, and you're right, "real life" is more important than the internet world. Good chance in your life, thank you, and a lot of kisses.

aikin said...

like (mostly!) everyone else, I've enjoyed your blog and wish you the best in the future!

FiL said...

Good luck and godspeed, Dearest Liza! Thank you so much for all the lovely music. And here's wishing for a vibrant, wonderful road ahead of you...

Anonymous said...

Liza we love you!!! please go on with your blog!! matteo (italy)

Anonymous said...

I'll be honest, it's been a long time since I last visited your site, but for a couple of years it was one that I checked with regularity - don't really know why I stopped. Really a shame to see you're finishing up but it's understandable. I'm surprised you've managed to keep it going this long (where you found the tracks to keep it going one can only guess).

Big thumbs up to you though for sticking it out for as long as you have.

Hope things pick up for you and you now have a bit of extra cash to enjoy.

All the best,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the effort you put in to sharing the music. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear you are retiring. You have provide a wealth of great music, interesting, unusual and fun. I have a hold folder devoted to cover songs in large part due to your blog.

Good luck and if you ever start back, I will be back to listen,

Anonymous said...

Hey Liza

I understand. It's cool.
Always know that you changed my life. You changed the way that I look at music and even the way I write it.
I became obsessed for a while so you must have gone through an entire rainbow of experiences.

If you are ever on MySpace drop by and say hi.


Meic (a.k.a. I Chameleon)

Anonymous said...

You had a good run. You certainly gifted me with bands/songs/covers I didn't know existed.

You'll be missed.


Anonymous said...

I've loved your blog for many many months. Sorry to see you go! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Daryl said...

I don't know how and where you found them, but you always had the best selections. Copy Comma Right will always be missed.

Amy D. said...

As a Chicago native, I'm going to miss your blog a lot. But I totally understand all the reasoning. Best of luck to you!

maria said...

All the best and thanks for all!
Understand everything you wrote - but would hate to see the blog disappear forever (even as someone mentioned above, because of the genious title.)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the the site; sad to see you go. I know you put a lot of hard work into this and I'm very appreciative!

JollyInebriate said...

I just wanted to say how much I enjoy the songs you posted and what you had to say about 'em.

Spot on, you will be missed!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for all that you've done. You created something really special and wonderful.

Good luck.

TheSundayBest said...

I am so late to this comment party it's ridiculous. Thank you for everything.

Dirk said...

Dearest Liza,

the fact that I haven't commented before today shows that I didn't visit your site as regularly as I should have done. But apparently I had a look today, which shows that I thought it's still worth checking out after all these years. Your blog was one of the very first I visited on a frequent basis and also one of those who inspired me to create one of my own.

Very sorry that you decided to quit it and hopefully you will change your mind one of these days.

All the very best,

Dirk from Sexyloser

Dodge said...

thanks...been a did us all proud.

Dan said...

Sad to see this site go, good luck with all your endeavors!

Anonymous said...

Don't go.
I think i love you.

Anonymous said...

wow. wasnt checking for a while, and this blog was one cyber space of happiness and good spirit. i got a little tremble reading your post. hope all goes well for you, love from istanbul..

Autepliax - 112 said...

Thanks for the blog,its been absolute smakatrosmic.

Anonymous said...

I still come here first before going to the various links on the side. Habit I suppose. Thanks again for all your efforts. I enjoyed reading your little comments that went along with your varied posts.

I still laugh when I think about you crooning Drive by The Cars as a kid.

Anyways, big thanks again.

armeur H said...

You will be missed, thank you for your stuff !

gwen said...

I miss you. come back!

Anonymous said...

still missing you!

Jody said...

I was just thinking about this blog and how much I miss it.

You've introduced me to countless bands over the years and some great (and hilariously bad!) covers.

Please return some day.

vistamonkey said...

Liza - Copy, Right? was the first music blog that I ever paid any attention to. It seems like so long ago. I guess I found you just after you started. I put you in favorites immeditely... before I had any music blog sites in favorites. I discovered Flickr by your example. I found so may wonderful songs from your posts, and your links and information. I've made mix CDs that included songs you posted. I loved reading your posts. Whether it was funny or you were upset or down or informational... it was always interesting.

I would come back to this site every week. Sometimes, you know, life has a way of pulling you this way and that... I would realize it was a month! Oh my! Almost happy that I got too busy with life, and I let your posts add up, almost happy suddenly realizing that I had a bunch of episodes to read and listen to. I could sit back and slowly enjoy a backlog of Liza and the sometimes wonderful, sometimes skipworthy, but always always interesting music you have found for us. What a wonderful host you were for these years. We appreciate the work you put into you it. Well, I know I do.

Good luck in whatever you are doing. When is the Copy, Right? Movie coming out? Are you writing a book about this experience? When is your TV show airing? We look forward to your next project, whatever it is.

Thank you for all the great music and insight.

Anonymous said...

Hey ! do check :
e.g. for Roommate, who places more (downloadable) covers on

& this too is essential :

MediaRuckus said...

Noooooo. Alright at least email us if you come back. All the best in all your endeavors.

Anonymous said...

It's been a year. Now's the right time to come back.

Anonymous said...

how i miss this blog ... it was one of the very few i visited w/o fail. not only great cover songs, lots of nice memories of bloomington and a lot of my old haunts. i hope you will consider returning to blogging, if not to post more exceptional covers, to write about, well, whatever.

Anonymous said...

one year on...................


Jeb Banner said...

Sorry to see this blog wrapping up, you did a lot of good with this blog Liza. I hope you re-consider once you get some distance from it. Jeb

indie music news said...

very nice.