Saturday, April 14, 2007

Maybe that rehab suggestion wasn't so bad after all, huh Amy?

I know lots of people who won't shut up about Amy Winehouse being the best thing since sliced bread. But let's face it: Sliced bread isn't that fucking amazing either. Gear up for one of the biggest train-wreck covers of all time:


Anonymous said...

I'd never heard of Amy Winehouse before so was quite surprised to see here described as “one of the U.K.'s flagship vocalists during the 2000s” when I looked her up on allmusic. South Africa usually follows British music trends and I would expect to have heard of her before, but clearly she hasn't been promoted here at all.

As for the song, I actually like it. I didn't recognise Charlotte Church until the credits ran but as her vocals were pretty good I assumed she wasn't Amy. She has put on a fair bit of weight since last year when I saw her interviewed for an SA TV programme. I have long been a fan of punk music so Amy's vocals sounded pretty good to me but I can see how someone without a love for punk music might disagree. My biggest problem while watching this was to keep an image of Weird Al Yankovic in a fat suit out of my head.

Lobstar said...

I believe Charlotte Church was pregnant at the time this was filmed, which would perhaps explain her size. Not that she looked at all fat enough for the Weird Al fat-suit comparison even if she weren't. God forbid a woman's body not meet your requirements!

Janra said...

that poor girl... that poor, drunk, kinda slutty, talentless girl...

i heard her on NPR once, and she sounded so nice and cool - her music was beautiful. wtf happend? some sort of smacking with a drunk stick?

Anonymous said...

"and their words are really clear"? Well, at least Charlotte's are....

Anonymous said...

Don't understand why, of all people, the US has suddenly found love with Amy Winehouse in the past couple of years. In my opinion she's one of the most disgusting things to come out of our country in quite some time. She had a huge amount of success with her first album, but like Joss Stone's success, it doesn't make sense. People just lap up crap these days it seems.
Glad you lot have her for a while.

Can't stand Charlotte Church either, so this is probably the worst combo I've had the pleasure of seeing in quite some time. Thanks.
I've noticed on quite a few American blogs that you've also taken a bit of a liking to her. You nutters.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I had not heard about Ms. Church's pregnancy.

Lobstar, you misunderstood me; my comment about Weird Al in a fat suit was in now way a reference to Ms.Church's appearance, but a reference to my recalling Weird-Al's performance in one of his music videos from the 1980s. I thought it was for Eat  It, but having watched that video and the one for Fat, I realise my mind was playing tricks on me; it was the video for Fat I was thinking of.

Lobstar said...


Yeah, I was confused. Partially because I never quite understand why people feel the need to point out when a woman (or anyone) gains a tiny bit of weight. Then seeing the Weird Al fat-suit comment when he didn't even wear it for "Eat It" confused me and I assumed it was a continuation of the unnecessary discussion of Charlotte's size. No worries.

Anonymous said...

Smokin' band.

myron said...

so, basically the house band from american idol and some karaoke singers back up parker posey while she does a character... at least, that's how it plays for me. if you're not going to dance while you're singing it, what's the point of singing it at all? always one of wacko jacko's weaker efforts.

Mick Flynn Images said...

Terrible, I switched it off.

Shawn said...

I had never heard of Winehouse until they started ripping her apart on Sound Opinions.

The backing band in this clip is right on. That guitar player smoked the solo (originally played by Eddie Van Halen). Well done, sir.

Anonymous said...

charlotte church was not preggers at all when this was done. and amy winehouse - back to black is possibly the finest album by a lady since lauren hill back in the late 90s.

Anonymous said...

Amy Winehouse is to soul music as george w bush is to the presidency-
sound and fury signifying nothing. she's just "This Year's Model".
And it's heartening to see that she's turning into the female Pete Doherty.


John said...

Yeah, I had to turn that sucker off like mick in the uk did. A couple of her songs do sound really good turned up in the car, though.

Anonymous said...

I love it when the term "train wreck" is used. You know you are in for a treat :)

Anonymous said...

Check out this Seether cover of "Rehab":